Realm statistics
1 hours
3 Players
2 Alliance and 1 Horde
Realm Information
Shattrath is a realm based on 2.4.3 (8606). Fast progress is guaranteed with many existing features that are intended to maintain the nostalgic Blizzlike experience. With variable rates between (x1-x5) as well as scaled duingeons and self scripted quest series, you no longer have to rely on other players but can design your own experience. The autciton house if full to the brim so you dont have to worry about selling your crafted items or organizing materials for crafting
Faction Balance
A quick overview of the current balance between the Horde and Alliance.
Race Balance
A quick overview of the current race balance on a per race basis.
Class Balance
A quick overview of the current class balance on a per class basis.
Note: Statistics displayed on this page does not include characters below level 10 and may limited to players only.
Note: Statistics and the contents of this page (except the live information) automatically updated once a day.
Queries of this page executed at Saturday, 21-Dec-24 12:00:29 UTC and its statistics and contents generated once at Saturday, 21-Dec-24 12:00:29 UTC.